Protecting underground utility lines is critical to ensure safety, prevent costly repairs, and minimise disruptions. That’s why dial-before-you-dig services are so important, especially in new building estates where excavation work is common. New estates pose an interesting challenge for locators. In new building estates, services and utilities are seldom overhead, and so many utility lines are buried just beneath the surface, making them vulnerable to damage from excavation work. This is where dial-before-you-dig services come in. Without these services, excavators risk causing damage to underground utility lines that can result in power outages, gas leaks, or even environmental hazards. Moreover, damaging utility lines can also result in costly repairs that can set back construction timelines and increase expenses for both the builders and the utility companies.
Dial-before-you-dig services are not just a convenience; they’re essential for ensuring the safety of workers and the public, protecting the environment, and preventing costly disruptions to building projects.
To illustrate the importance of dial-before-you-dig services in new building estates, let’s consider a real-life scenario. South-East Scanning was called to a new estate in Ipswich called South Ripley, where a homeowner wanted to undertake minor excavation work to install a new stormwater drain.
The following image highlights the extent of the buried assets at the side of the home, which included a gas line connected to a high-pressure gas main, telecommunications fibre (NBN fibre in this case) and an electrical conduit. an existing stormwater pipe was also located via an access point. Had the homeowner not used dial-before-you-dig services, they could have caused damage to any of these buried assets, resulting in serious consequences. A single incident of utility line damage can cost tens of thousands of dollars in repairs and fines. It should be noted that none of the assets located in this area were on plan. These were all considered private assets, as they were located on private property.
Whether it’s a fence post, a new garden bed or even minor excavation work, always remember to dial before you dig to avoid costly damages. The team at South-East Scanning are experienced Certified Locators and can assist in locating all buried assets for your next project, saving you time and money.