The Founders Of South East Scanning
South-East Scanning was founded by Aidan and Dion, two brothers from Melbourne, who brought together their extensive experience in the built environment and professional services sectors.
After relocating to South-East Queensland, they established South-East Scanning to fill a niche in the building and construction industry, specialising in ground-penetrating radar, concrete scanning, non-destructive testing, and utility locating services. Their background provided a strong foundation for the business, allowing them to offer expert insights and innovative solutions to meet the complex needs of their clients in the region.
At South-East Scanning, our mission is to help our clients understand sub-surface structures and mitigate their risk with our expertise in ground penetrating radar and utility detection. We are a family business with unique insights and a commitment to our clients’ success.
We look forward to assisting you. Please call 1300 175 543 or use the form below for a fast response.